Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Friends Forever ..

Friends we are.
Forever we'll be.
Wherever we are,
you're right beside me.

I hope we stay friend,
'till the end of time.
And whenever that is,
our friendship will still shine.

You mean the world to me,
I hope the same with you.
You're always helping me,
whatever it takes you'll do.

So to every one of my friends,
you mean the world to me.
Friends we are, forever we'll be.

A true friend in every way,
I understand your worries,
...I can feel your pain.
I will try to bring you sunshine
on the days when you see rain.
I will try to make you smile,
when you are feeling bad,
I will try to chase away your woes,
I will be there when you're feeling sad,
remember me when the song thrush sings,
or with the scent of fresh cut grass,
am a friend you can rely on
I offer a friendship that will last.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

便利贴 =]

▏一點一滴 我都能感應。。。。。 ▏
▏把你的討厭 宅急便 送到天邊。。▏
▏平凡的傻事 用了心 變成經典。。▏
▏存滿滿的心願 便利貼 貼成無限。▏
▏把你的喜歡 每一天 複習兩遍。。▏
▏驚喜的預言 我的天 通通應驗。。▏
▏你和我的心願 便利貼 貼心裡面。▏